This accessibility statement applies to the website of the Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office:
This website is run by the Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to:
- change colours, contrast levels and fonts;
- zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen;
- navigate most of the website using just a keyboard;
- navigate most of the website using speech recognition software; and
- listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver).
We’ve also made the website text as simple as possible to understand.
AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.
How accessible this website is
We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible:
- the top search bar is not entirely visible to users of voice-activation technology;
- the top navigation bar is not easily navigated to by keyboard users;
- the top menu items are not navigable by users of voice-activation technology;
- some of the navigation link text is not distinguishable by users of screen readers (e.g. Read more); and
- most older PDF documents are not fully accessible to screen reader software.
Feedback and contact information
If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille:
- email:
- call: 0207 389 8920
- write to: PO Box 29105, London, SW1V 1ZU.
We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 20 working days.
Reporting accessibility problems with this website
We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, contact:
Enforcement procedure
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’) in England, Scotland and Wales, and the Equality Commissioner is responsible for this in Northern Ireland. If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).