Additional Functions

Since the inception of IPCO in 2017, a number of functions and powers have been added to the responsibilities of the Investigatory Powers Commissioner (IPC). These are: 

The Principles – The IPC oversees the operation and implementation of ‘The Principles’. This is guidance published by the Cabinet Office. The Principles aim to ensure that any intelligence sharing in relation to the detention and interviewing of detainees overseas is in accordance with international human rights laws. 

Schedule 3 to the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 – The use of the powers to retain articles and copies of articles seized at the border are subject to authorisation and oversight by the IPC, who also reviews the ways in which the powers are used.   

The Equities Process – The IPC oversees the Equities Process, which underpins the way GCHQ makes decisions on vulnerabilities in technology.   

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