Working with others

At IPCO we regularly engage with a range of organisations including NGOs, academics, communications service providers, law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, local authorities and other public bodies.

We are committed to the transparent oversight of the use of investigatory powers, subject to security restrictions. We welcome the views of others and respect diversity of thought.

Organisations have been invited to contribute to consultations and information days for staff and Judicial Commissioners. We also seek the views of others on specific issues and welcome challenge to our ways of working.

Inspectors and Judicial Commissioners represent IPCO at various events across the UK, to raise awareness about the work we do. The Investigatory Powers Commissioner also meets personally with organisations to discuss how we can improve transparency and maintain cooperation.

Internationally, we engage with foreign counterparts to share good practice on review and oversight methodology. We are part of the Five Eyes Intelligence Oversight and Review Council (FIORC). Members of the group exchange views on subjects of mutual interest and concern. Details of the group’s most recent meeting can be found here.

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