New Chair of the Technology Advisory Panel appointed

Published on 23 March 2022

The Investigatory Powers Commissioner, Sir Brian Leveson, has appointed a new Chair of the Technology Advisory Panel (TAP).

Professor Dame Muffy Calder assumed the position as Panel Chair at the beginning of the month. Dame Muffy is Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Science and Engineering at Glasgow University and was formerly the Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland. She has been a member of the Panel for four years, under the leadership of the TAP’s previous Chair, Sir Bernard Silverman.

Commenting on the appointment, Sir Brian Leveson said:

“Muffy Calder’s experience both as a member of the TAP and her wider academic work makes her the ideal candidate to take on the role of Chair at this point. I am looking forward to working with her and the rest of the Panel as we continue to provide robust oversight of investigatory powers.

“It is with enormous gratitude that we say farewell to Sir Bernard Silverman, who set up and led the Panel as IPCO was being established. I am very grateful for his support and advice during my tenure as Investigatory Powers Commissioner.”

The Technology Advisory Panel (TAP) was set up under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016. Its purpose is to advise the Investigatory Powers Commissioner and Judicial Commissioners on the impact of changing technology and the development of techniques to use investigatory powers whilst minimising privacy interference.

Sir Bernard Silverman, Chair of the TAP since its inception in 2017, will continue to work with the panel until the summer.


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