Open Response

Published on 14 October 2017

On Friday 13 October we published our open response to Privacy International, Liberty, Big Brother Watch, and the Open Rights Group’s letter to us regarding international intelligence sharing. [insert link]

Sir Adrian Fulford, the Investigatory Powers Commissioner, said:

“Intelligence sharing is an important issue. Individuals’ rights must continue to be protected even as intelligence about them leaves my oversight jurisdiction.

“IPCO has the legal powers to ensure adequate oversight of sharing, and improves on the previous regimes in two important ways: First, IPCO is much larger, including specific technical and legal experts and those with direct experience of this issue and of international law. Indeed I previously sat as a judge at the International Criminal Court. Second, the double lock gives the Government a duty of candour to inform our commissioners of any relevant issues before we decide whether to grant a warrant. We would consider sharing a relevant issue.”

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